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(VIDEO)Before he became famous singer he was an American hero.. can you tell who it is?

He served with 5th Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment, aka “The Five and Dime,” 2nd Marine Division, which was based at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

From December 1990 to April 1991, Shaggy and his regiment deployed to the Middle East during the liberation of Kuwait, known as Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW


During his several years in the Marine Corps he attained the highest rank of lance corporal after having been reduced in rank twice for UA, or unauthorized absence — a fairly common occurrence for Marines of that and earlier eras.

The reason for the UAs, he said, was driving up to New York City to work on his budding music career during recording sessions and not making it back in time to the base for morning formation after the weekends.

However, after his discharge from the Marine Corps in 1992, Shaggy, now famous in the music world, would look back on his enlistment with fondness and perform at free concerts for the military around the world.

Shaggy, born Orville Richard Burrell in Kingston, Jamaica, Oct. 22, 1968, didn’t come to the United States until age 18, arriving in Brooklyn, New York, to live with his mother.

In 2007, he was awarded the Jamaican Order of Distinction with the rank of Commander. In 2022, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from Brown University.

Historical note on “The Five and Dime,” the battalion where Shaggy served: 5th Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment served in combat in Iraq in 2007 and Afghanistan 2009-2010. The battalion was deactivated in June 2012.



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