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This is attached to a wall on my cabin. It’s about 6 feet from the floor. Approximately 3 inches high. Cabin was built in 1880 by a bunch of lumberjacks/loggers. Thoughts on what it is?


Keith said:
Looks like a menorah to me. Is it near the door? Has a scroll inside with a Bible verse and you touch it whenever you leave home and remember that God watched over you

Andy said:
bracket for a swing-arm lamp mount. Kerosene. Unusually clean – I often see them with maaaaany coats of paint.

William said:
There were swing arm oil lamps that were removable for cleaning. That is the base holder for one

Pete said:
A mounting bracket for a kerosene lamp.

Kathleen said:
Wow never seen an oil lamp holder so elaborate. Lucky you

Melissa said:
I would think a mezuzah would have more Hebraic decorations on it. I think it’s probably more likely to be a light bracket of some sort.

Debbie said:

if there are antique shops near your cabin, you could probably find an appropriate lamp or lantern! Good luck!

John said:

One of the positive commandments in Torah (Hebrew books of law) also found in Christian Bibles in Deuteronomy 6:9… says you shall write the law upon your doors post… inside that is a capsule with a tiny segment of Torah.

Linda said:
I remind people that when showing an item, it is important to add something for size comparison. A playing card, or something similar would have made people more easily determine whether this was small like a mezuzah, or bigger like the oil lamp holder.

Kitty said:
I want all these beautiful oil lamps


wow. I do need some of these in my life. I have nine old oil lamps. I’ve been afraid to use for years because of my nosy little Persian cat. She can climb to the top of the refrigerator in a heartbeat. And seems fascinated with the flame. This could have been put on a single bare wall. Glad it was identified.


Michael said:
My guess would be a bracket for an oil lamp. The arm has probably since been broken, was taken out, and they were going to either replace it, or just never got around to removing that part of the bracket.

Cindy said:
It looks like it might have held a mezuzah, however it is not angled : “you shall inscribe on your doorposts and on your gates” but again wrong angle, probably a holder for a lamp

Kenneth said:
Oil lamp wall bracket. Instead of an oil lamp, we had it mounted near a window and put a plant on the holder. I also have one with four holders on it that are smaller. Either for four smaller lamps or I used it with 3 inch candles in my dining room.

Kylee said:
This looks like a mezuzah to me. Always on the right side as you enter through doors of a home. There’s usually a scroll inside, traditional Jewish homes have these

Pamela said:

It holds a kerosene lamp holder that has an end that drops onto the “hinge.” The entire holder can then swivel from side to side to adjust the light

Jani said:

Respectful request for non-jews:
Please don’t try to tell us what our own symbols are. We know what they are, and what they aren’t. We are happy to teach you.
This is not:
A mezuzah
A menorah
A hanukkiah
It is a lamp bracket.
Mary said: 

a swing arm that held lamps fit in it
you can find them often at estate sales or online
Mona said:
Gosh, er never see one of these in a movie: they just have sourceless light plus something on a table or mantle
Carolyn said:
It is a wall bracket to hold a metal stand for a kerosene lamp. I have a couple of them. The stand has a pin/rod about 3 inches long that fits down into the loop.

It’s in a screen porch- but this was originally an outside wall. Thanks everyone for your input! Now I need to find a lamp to put up .


A screen porch, also known as a screened-in porch or a screened room, is a popular addition to homes, especially in areas where insects are prevalent or during warmer months when people want to enjoy the outdoors without being bothered by bugs.

It typically consists of a porch or patio area that is enclosed with screens, allowing for ventilation while keeping out insects and debris. Screened porches can be simple or elaborate in design, ranging from basic structures with screens attached to existing walls to fully enclosed rooms with their own foundations and roofs.

Screened porches provide a comfortable space for relaxation, dining, or entertaining while still allowing you to feel connected to the outdoors. They can also add value to a home and extend the usability of outdoor living spaces.

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