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Supercomputer Predicts the Future of Humanity on Earth

As we grow older, we naturally ponder the future of our planet and the fate of humanity. Will climate change or nuclear war be our downfall? Can we survive the inevitable changes in our environment? These questions have been on the minds of researchers as well, who have turned to artificial intelligence and supercomputers for answers.

Supercomputer Uses AI To Predict The End Of Life On Earth

Recently, scientists used AI and a powerful supercomputer to analyze extensive data on Earth’s climate. They studied everything from ocean chemistry to tectonic plates, and even the biology of every living thing. The goal was to understand the factors that could impact our ability to survive on Earth.

The findings may be concerning, but there is some good news. According to the supercomputer’s predictions, the end of humanity is far in the future, so we don’t have to worry on a daily basis. However, there are challenges ahead.

One of the obstacles we will face is the movement of tectonic plates. Eventually, these plates will come together to form a supercontinent called Pangaea Ultima. Unfortunately, this convergence will create a triple threat – the continentality effect, a hotter sun, and increased CO2 in the atmosphere. As a result, most of the planet will become a harsh, hostile environment devoid of food and water sources for mammals.

Imagine widespread temperatures of 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, with even greater daily extremes, and high levels of humidity. This will ultimately seal our fate, as humans, along with many other species, will struggle to shed heat and cool their bodies through sweat.

After the formation of Pangaea Ultima, only about 16% of the land will be habitable for mammals. Adapting to these new extremes will be a monumental task for humanity. The sun will be brighter and hotter, and volcanoes will erupt more frequently. It’s certainly not an ideal scenario.

However, here’s the silver lining – Pangaea Ultima won’t form for another 250 million years. So, while it’s essential to be conscious of our current climate crisis caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases, we still have time to make a positive impact. We must work towards achieving net-zero emissions as soon as possible.

Let’s ensure that the future of our planet is a brighter one, not just for ourselves but for generations to come.

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