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Prayers are sent for “Duck Dynasty” star Uncle Si Robertson

In the television show Duck Dynasty, the character of Uncle Si Robertson is about to have lung surgery after having a difficult time with his health for the past year and a half.

The patient, who is 74 years old, is quite upbeat about the approaching therapy, and he asserts that he will soon be back to filling everyone’s ears with his chatter once the process is over.

Si Robertson has admitted on multiple episodes of the podcast dubbed “Duck Call Room” that smoking is to blame, at the very least in part, for his poor lung health and breathing difficulties.

These admissions were made by Si Robertson. In addition to this, he has the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which made the early 2021 COVID-19 diagnosis particularly worrisome.

When some time had passed, he admitted that he had a concern that he wouldn’t be able to complete COVID. It was brought to his attention by his loved ones as well as the other individuals who helped him broadcast his podcast that he did not make the most of the opportunities to help himself.

In the part that is labeled “Uncle Si’s COVID-19 Story,” the four men recall how Si initially refused to go to the hospital and then, after being allowed home many days later, refused to take his medication. This story is told within the context of the COVID-19 experiment.

All of this occurs within the backdrop of the COVID-19 epidemic that has been going on. In the end, he caved in, and after that he began to feel better overall. In May of 2022, he started to explain why he needed lung surgery to correct his ailment, and he said that the explanation will begin.

Si reveals in episode 146 of the Duck Call Room that when he breathes in, both of his lungs operate normally. Si also says that this is the same when he exhales.

Because when he exhales, one of his lungs is not working properly, which is why he is scheduled to have surgery to have a device placed in it that will enable the underperforming lung to exhale the requisite amount of air. The gadget will be installed in the lung that is not working well.

Surgery is imminent.

In the email, he adds, “It appears like I’m approved for lung surgery, but there are a few more things we need to achieve first.” “At that time, I’ll be able to tell you even more stories, all of which are guaranteed to be over ninety-five percent correct,”

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