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My house cleaner found this under the radiator next to my stairs in my 1850’s house. Can anyone tell me what this is?

A questioner said:

My house cleaner found this under the radiator next to my stairs in my 1850’s house. Can anyone tell me what this is?


r/centuryhomes - My house cleaner found this under the radiator next to my stairs in my 1850’s house. Can anyone tell me what this is?


r/centuryhomes - My house cleaner found this under the radiator next to my stairs in my 1850’s house. Can anyone tell me what this is?


Some of the comments:

  1. Someone is really bummed. Those wands are pricey if they have the infrared tip.
  2. My daughters got to share that exact model at universal. It was expensive.
  3. How much if I may ask?
  4. I believe it was about $65 at universal two years ago. It’s probably more now.
  5. What’s crazy is the tip isn’t even an emitter, it’s just reflective. I saw a video of a guy who put a stick on IR reflector on a cucumber and was able to activate all the stuff at Universal
  6. It’s Luna Lovegood’s wand from the Harry Potter movies!
  7. Holy shit I was gonna make a joke that it came from Ollivander’s but it literally is a wand lmfao
  8. I was going to comment “yet a wizard, harry” but I’m too late for the Harry Potter jokes.
  9. Ope, that dang autocorrect doesn’t speak hagrid.
  10. I was thinking it looked like a wand but I wasn’t going to say anything 🙂
  11. A wand from the Wizarding World
  12. You have the same staircase as I do or at least it probably was back when the house was built. I swear someone used the same house design all over MA.
  13. My house cleaner found this under the radiator next to my stairs in my 1850’s house. Can anyone tell me what this is?
  14. “The wand chooses the wizard Harry”
  15. Hermione Grainger’s wand. She will be needing that back!
  16. I just bought two wands at Universal Studios in Los Angeles! Cool!!

What do you think? Let us know in the comment!

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