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Meet the 30st woman who earns a living showing off her 8-foot-wide tummy on webcam.

Gayla Neufeld, 52, and stated, “I realised I was desirable, sexy, and beautiful, and I became confident in who I was.”

Meet the 30st woman who earns a living showing off her 8ft-wide belly to male fat admirers on webcam.

Gayla Neufeld, 52, spent years combating the flab but now utilizes it to seduce guys from all over the world, including her latest husband, Lance.

The happy pair has even exploited Gayla’s 96-inch asset to establish her new career as an international webcam model.

She remarked, “Growing up, I was ashamed of my belly, but today I have a large following of men who adore it.

“There had been males from all over the world.

“I’ve had doctors, lawyers, and a lot of bodybuilders approach me, which has amazed me.

“They say I have the ideal belly.”

“They remark it is not marred or scarred, and they like the shape because it is a single belly.

“Some larger women they have a double-layer or a two-tier belly but mine is a single. That is really attractive to a lot of men.”

Thirty-stone Gayla wasn’t always so confident in her appearance, and she fought for years to cope with her family’s odd genetic legacy.

“Women in my family have always gained weight around the belly, especially after having children,” explained Gayla, who enjoys handmade cookies and ice cream.

“My mother, my favorite sister, my grandparents, grandmother, and great-grandmother were all overweight.

“As I grew older, kids at school would point and laugh at me, saying ‘boom, boom, boom’ with each stride I took.

“I was really ashamed to be fat.”

Gayla weighed 13st at the age of eight and continued to gain weight throughout her adolescence.

One doctor even prescribed her amphetamines to help her lose her sweet taste, but they failed and made her even more depressed.

Gayla’s growing curves made her popular among boys in high school, and she had many admirers – but she was too shy to be naked.


Despite her physique troubles, she married at 19 and went on a journey to combat the bulge.

But instead of losing any weight, she found herself teetering between 300 and 400 pounds.

Her waning confidence was exacerbated when her spouse expressed embarrassment about her weight, and they separated in 1999.

Gayla was at her bottom when she discovered an online network of obese women known as SSBBWs, which stands for super-sized big beautiful women.

Legions of guys claiming to be fat fans admired these curvy women, some of whom weighed more than 600 pounds.

Curious to learn more, Gayla joined a forum called Bulge Chat and was immediately inundated with lustful enthusiasts.

She remarked, “I recognized I was desirable, seductive, and gorgeous, and I gained confidence in myself.

“I had always thought the men who liked BBWs would be geeks in their mom’s basement but I was totally wrong.”

Despite having her pick, tough truck driver Lance Neufield, 54, piqued her interest.

After meeting on Bulge Chat, they had two 15-minute discussions and had an instant rapport.

Lance informed her that he was heading to Texas for work the next week, and they decided to meet at a truck stop for dinner.

Gayla accepted, despite promising never to fall for anybody again, and was swept off her feet by the Canadian.

She stated, “When he pulled up and I saw him, I was like, ‘Oh my god, he is so cute, so cute’.

“When he got in the car, he told me, ‘Your photographs online do you no justice’. I said, ‘Aww, that’s so sweet,’ and blushed.

“Years later, I discovered that his computer did not produce high-quality images, but that was fine; it still made me happy at the time.

“We had our first dinner, purchased a bottle of Champagne, and then rented the General’s Daughter and The Thomas Crown Affair.

“We didn’t finish any of those movies because we sat up all night talking and smooching on the couch like two kids.

“I was sad when he had to go.”

They started a long-distance romance before Gayla chose to relocate to Manitoba, Canada, to be with Lance; they married six years later.

They claim to enjoy a ‘active and satisfying sex-life’ despite Gayla’s size, while her weight poses other day-to-day challenges.

She finds it difficult to buy for clothes that fit around her 96-inch tummy and must use a motorised cart when walking long distances.

Getting into a car is also a chore, and she must reserve two seats on an airplane when flying.

She has a variety of health conditions, including arthritis and thyroid problems, yet she stays optimistic about the future.

She stated, “I am not really concerned about my health. My mother is still alive and 82 years old.

“I have had doctors tell me more then once that I needed to lose weight for health reasons but I truly believe that when it is your time to go, it is your time to go.”

Lance, who has three children from a previous relationship, has always been drawn to Gayla’s large frame but would not stop her from trying to reduce weight.

He stated, “This woman is the love of my life.” I would fully back her if she desired to reduce weight.

“The first thing that struck me about her was that she had the most beautiful face I had ever seen.

“The tummy was merely an added bonus to her other stunning features.

“It doesn’t matter to me whether it is bigger or smaller because it’s not really her belly I love – I love her.”

Gayla intends to continue her modeling career and gain new followers with Lance’s continued support.

She remarked, “I let the world tell me how I should appear and who I should be. By adopting a body-positive image, I have given myself the freedom to be myself and enjoy life.

“I’m not going to tell you that I never have terrible days or that I don’t wish I were thinner on occasion, but most of the time I just like being myself.

“You’ve got to love who you are.”



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