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I found an old, finger-sized thing in an old house; does anyone know what it might be? Almost looks like a tiny shovel.

A Curious Find in an Old House
During the renovation of a century-old house, a homeowner discovered an intriguing, finger-sized object in the dusty attic. This small, shovel-like artifact, though initially perplexing, offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives and times of those who once inhabited the home.

Description of the Object
The object measures approximately three inches in length, with a small handle tapering into a flat, scoop-like end. Made of metal and showing significant age, the edges are slightly worn, indicating delicate use. Its simplistic yet functional design raises the question: What purpose did this miniature tool serve?

r/whatisthisthing - Found an old, finger-sized object in an old house, any ideas what it is? Looks kinda like a small shovel

Possible Identifications
Miniature Garden Tool
In the early 20th century, children often had miniature versions of adult gardening tools. These sets taught children about planting and maintaining gardens. The size and shape of the object resemble a small garden trowel, and its worn edges suggest it might have been used to dig small holes for seeds or plants.

Apothecary Spoon
Apothecaries and pharmacists in the 19th and early 20th centuries used small scoops to measure herbs, powders, and other medicinal ingredients. The scoop-like design aligns with tools used for measuring and mixing small quantities of substances.

Household Scoop
Small scoops were common in households for transferring spices, salts, or other fine powders from storage containers. The practicality of a small scoop for culinary purposes could explain its presence in a home environment.

Pipe Tamper

Tobacco pipe smokers used tampers to compress the tobacco in the bowl of the pipe. These tampers often had a flat, shovel-like end. The object’s size and shape are consistent with antique pipe tampers, essential for an optimal smoking experience.

Investigating the Artifact

To determine the true identity of this miniature tool, several steps can be taken:

  • Historical Research: Delving into the house’s history and its previous owners might provide clues about the object’s use. Old photographs, documents, or family stories could mention or show similar items.
  • Expert Consultation: Reaching out to historians, antique dealers, or museum curators with expertise in household items or tools from the relevant era could yield definitive answers.
  • Comparative Analysis: Comparing the object with similar items in antique collections or online databases might help pinpoint its exact function and origin.

r/whatisthisthing - Found an old, finger-sized object in an old house, any ideas what it is? Looks kinda like a small shovel

Community Opinions

Reddit users have offered a variety of opinions on the object’s identity:

  1. A striker from a garden-themed wind chime.
  2. A vintage Parmesan cheese sampling knife.
  3. Scorpion’s spear from Mortal Kombat.
  4. A clock weight or plumb line weight.
  5. An arrowhead hanger or pendant.
  6. A spike from the top of a metal fence.
  7. A curtain weight.
  8. A garden trowel.
  9. A harpoon tip.
  10. A letter opener.
  11. A Tibetan ritual object.
  12. A Freemason accessory.

This small, shovel-like object found in an old house connects us to the past. Whether it was a child’s gardening tool, an apothecary’s scoop, a household spice spoon, or a pipe tamper, it represents a slice of history and the everyday life of its former owners. By investigating and identifying such artifacts, we preserve and honor the stories and experiences of those who came before us. As renovations continue, who knows what other fascinating finds may emerge from the shadows of history?

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