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Are You Old Enough To Remember This Object?

When I see how complex and technological kids’ toys are today, it’s incredible to think that we were perfectly content with much simpler toys and equipment back in the day. Case in point – a good old pair of roller skates. Long before scooters and trick bikes, kids would get together and go roller skating. And if you weren’t a kid between the 1950s and 1960s, your version of roller skates probably looks quite different.

source: Pixels/Vintage Images

Roller skating existed as early as the mid 1700s, but it was the baby boomers that really made roller skating become popular. Emerging in the 1950s, a roller skate style consisting of a wooden or metal base with leather straps became the new hot thing.

source: Etsy/AspenRidge

With these roller skates, the skater kept on the shoes they were wearing and simply stepped onto the skate base. The strap would go around the skater’s ankle, which was essentially the only thing holding the skater’s foot in place other than the very small toe clamp.

source: Etsy

So, what was the key for? The key was for unlocking the base so the skater could adjust the size of the base and fit their feet in accordingly. Though roller skating has never been for the faint of heart, it especially wasn’t back in the 1950s and 1960s!

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