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Can you spot the animals in these baffling puzzles?

Picture puzzles are one of the best ways to get your daily dose of brain exercise in. It not only makes you think hard, but it also helps you train your attention span. After all, there’s no way you can complete these ‘spot the animal’ puzzles unless you have searched through every part of the puzzle intricately. More so, if you add a time limit of 15 seconds to each puzzle! So are you ready to join the exclusive club of ‘geniuses’? Then, here are 20 ‘spot the animal’ puzzles to test your eyes and brain:

1. The Hunters and the Deer

Spot the hidden deer.
Image Credits: Brightside

These two hunters have been on the hunt for a deer. They caught a glimpse of it before it sprinted away and disappeared once again. The hunters chased after it. They know it is nearby, but they cannot spot it. Can you find the deer?

Here’s the answer if you failed to spot the animal:

The hiding deer encircled.
Image Credits: Brightside

2. Identify all the animals

Spot the different animals
Image Credits: Brightside

This optical puzzle is slightly different and more complex. You can easily spot the animal. However, the question is can you spot all the animals? Here’s a hint: there is a total of 13 animals in this picture.

Here’s the answer if you are missing any:

All the animals spotted
Image Credits: Brightside

3. Find Every Animal

find every animal
Image Credits: Lyudmyla Kharlamova

This one is a lot simpler than the previous one. Here, you have to spot the animals listed underneath the picture. There is a total of 5 and you can see what they look like as well.

Here are the locations of the animals, if you have not found them yet:

All the 5 animals highlighted
Image Credits: Lyudmyla Kharlamova

4. Spot The Animal Hiding In The Dry Grass

Hidden animal 1
Image Credits: Bouncy Mustard

Here, we have a scene from a rather grassy area. However, the grass is tall and the light from the sun seems to be the same hue as the grass. Believe it or not, there is a cat-like animal hiding in plain sight here. Can you spot it?

Here’s the animal encircled:

Hidden animal encircled 1
Image Credits: Bouncy Mustard

5. Frog on A Rock

Hidden animal 2
Image Credits: Caters News Agency

A rocky scene, that looks like it will make for some exciting hiking. However, there is a creature sitting on one of the rocks that you would generally not associate with this kind of terrain. How fast can you find it?

The answer is that it is a frog, and here it is:

Hidden animal encircled 2
Image Credits: Caters News Agency

6. Natural Habitat

Hidden Animal 3
Image Credits: Caters News Agency

Sometimes, we forget that the natural luster of an animal’s hide is a product of millions of years of evolution that ensures its survival. For example, take the animal hiding here in its natural habitat. It will take a keen eye to spot it.

Here, the animal staring straight at you if you haven’t noticed:

Hidden animal encircled 3
Image Credits: Caters News Agency

7. In an Alley

Hidden animal 4
Image Credits: Bouncy Mustard

The coloring of animal furs does not only help in hiding in the wild. For some domesticated animals, they are just as capable of hiding in plain sight in human civilization. In this picture, spot the animal (that you know very well) staring straight at you.

Here’s where the animal is looking at you:

Hidden animal encircled 4
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

8. Apex Predator

Hidden Animal 5
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

To hunt an animal like the deer that is so well-hidden, you will need camouflaging abilities even better, or at least equal to it. In this picture, the royal queen of the jungle is patiently scouting what is in front of her. Can you spot where she is sitting?

Here’s the location:

Hidden animal encircled 5
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

9. Spot the sure-footed animal

Hidden animal 6
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

You will have difficulty believing anything, let alone a living animal, can traverse a terrain like that. The angles are almost 90 degrees, and the ground is nowhere near connected. However, there’s not one but two animals standing on the rocks without any issues!

Here are the animals:

Hidden animals encircled 6
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

10. Cat in the log

Hidden animal 7
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

Just as the title suggests, there is a cat hiding in this pile of logs. In fact, the cat is having a splendid rest too! It is not even trying to hide; you will wonder how you missed it when you see the answer. So, before it comes to that, try to spot the animal!

Here’s where the cat is resting:

Hidden animal encircled 7
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

11. Right at Home

Hidden animal 8
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

The animal here, or bird actually, is standing right outside its home. Somehow, the dark background has actually helped the animal go even more unnoticed. Do you have the keen eyes needed to find the bird?

Here is where the bird is perched:

Hidden animal encircled 8
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

12. Inside the House

Hidden animal 9
Image Credits: Bouncy Mountain

Look, you don’t need to brave the wild to notice animals hiding in plain sight. In fact, there might be one of them right in your living room! In this picture, see if you can find the animal taking a nap.

Here is where the good boy is snoozing away:

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