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Boy, 5, survives savage attack by two dogs only to be called a ‘monster’ in public

At just five years old little Ryder Wells has been through more horror that most would experience in a lifetime.Against all the odds the youngster from North Carolina survived a brutal attack by two rottweilers while visiting family for Thanksgiving in 2015.

He was just 21 months old when the two 100-pound dogs attacked him. He lost half of his face, his teeth were crushed, and he suffered a broken arm and punctured lung.His family didn’t think he would survive but this little fighter made it through and has since had to endure around 50 surgeries.

Instead of being praised for getting through such a horrific attack this sweet little boy now has to endure cruel comments from children and adults.His teaching assistant said when Ryder first started school even the adults would stare at him.

“When we go to the park, there’s a child who points and screams ‘monster’ at him before running away.” mom Brittany said, according to The Mirror newspaper.

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