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Delivery Driver Takes a Tumble – Hilariously Asks For Surveillance Footage.

There are various job roles that may entail safety hazards. A prime illustration is the occupation of a courier, who frequently lifts heavy parcels, encounters domestic animals, and navigates unfamiliar routes.

A UPS delivery person is well aware of the perils involved in transporting packages, yet manages to find amusement in the situation. Take a look at the video clip below capturing the unforeseen tumble he experienced. Observing a UPS courier at work reveals their remarkable agility. With a strict timetable to adhere to, they aim to efficiently complete their assignments.

While delivering a package, the UPS courier was in a rush. Suddenly, he slipped and stumbled to the ground. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the incident, he managed to derive amusement from his own misstep.

The UPS courier promptly rose to his feet and returned to his vehicle. After regaining composure, he made a decision to notify the homeowner about his mishap and recommended reviewing their surveillance footage.

Additionally, he urged them to forward the video clip via text message, showcasing his exceptional sense of humor.

The UPS courier maintains a TikTok profile and aimed to share his ordeal of falling off a porch while on duty with a wider audience. It is commendable that he could find amusement in the situation without sustaining any injuries.

The video footage can be accessed for viewing below.

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